domenica 8 agosto 2010

The Regenerative Burners

    How is The Application On the Melting Furnaces:

    The regenerative burner consists of 
    a compact regenerator strictly 
    connected to a burner.

    A complete R.C.B. unit is constituted of 
    regenerators, burners, a reversal valve 
    and the connected reversal control systems.

    At the beginning, one burner fires using 
    cold air fed to the base of the regenerator, 
    meanwhile the flue gas produced by it, 
    cross the other burner and 
    the regenerator coupled to it, preheating 
    the ceramic lining and drawing off 
    in the atmosphere 
    (the second burner is acting, 
    practically, as an exhaust part).
    When the regenerator is sufficiently hot, 
    the reversal system starts, the cold air flows 
    inside the just heated regenerator 
    and preheats, meanwhile the first burner 
    regenerator will be heated by the flue gas 
    produced by the reversal burner.

    The direct connection of the burner 
    to its own regenerator and the alternate 
    functioning of the burners allow 
    to eliminate valves, working at 
    the flue gas temperature, according 
    to all the related problems.

    The reversal valve is requiring, to function, 
    compressed air and electrical energy for 
    the reversion programming logic, 
    based into a combination 
    of time and/or flue gas temperature.

    This reversal system is completely independent
     from the other furnace controls, with the
    exception of the flame protection, 
    to which the burner starting sequence 
    has to be connected.

    The proportion between air and gas is controlled 
    by means of a differential input, from a 
    gauged hole diaphragm, positioned along 
    the combustion air line and from 
    a frequency multiplier governor, to send a signal, 
    based on the delivery, to a air/gas ratio regulator.

    The combustion air flow of the flue gas is controlled 
    by means of two tandem valves, set by 
    the processus temperature controller.

    The flue gas setting is obtained by means 
    of a motorized valve, controlled by 
    the furnace pressure, installed at the exit 
    of the suction fan.
    This fan is protected against eventual overheating.


    Two R.C.B. burners/regenerators, 
    together with their reversal system, 
    need only an electrical connection 
    for the logic and compressed air 
    to position the reversal valve, in addition 
    to the normal gas and combustion 
    air feeding lines and to the usual flames 
    and flue gas exit control and safety devices.

    The combustion air and flue gas deliveries 
    are tandem controlled by 
    the processes temperature controller.

    The flue gas fan (usually a conventional cold air fan) 
    is protected from an eventual overheating 
    by a thermostat that, if necessary, releases 
    the alarm and switches off the burner. 
    The exhaust fan protection valve allows 
    to the ambient temperature air to enter 
    in the fan same.

    The flue gas level can be set by a furnace 
    pressure control, that drives a valve, installed 
    at the flue gas suction fan exit.

    The flue gas flow switching 
    (from a burner to the other) is realized 
    by an electrovalve.

    The control of air/gas ratio is obtained 
    by means of a subsidiary cold air system.
    An air/gas ratio regulator, that functions proportionally 
    to the differential signal, taken by a gauged 
    hole diaphgram is recommended 
    for its simplicity and reliability.

    The ignition of the R.C.B. is realized by a pilot burner, 
    lighted by a candle.
    The burner is already functioning under U.V. rays 
    flame control, at gas low delivery, 
    corresponding to 2-5% of the max. nominal delivery.
    This practice eliminates the relighting 
    of the burner at each reversal.

    The cold air setting and control valves, 
    installed on the flue gas line, are conventional, 
    if a sufficient clearance among
     the mobile parts is foreseen.


    The electrical control system is supplied 
    with a special pre-wired control panel.
    The fans starters, the burners managing system,
     the P.L.C. control system and the relays 
    are fit in this panel.

    The burners management is actuated 
    by flame control (one for each burner), 
    utilizing ultraviolet rays flame detectors.

    Manually, the temperature control system 
    is supplied as a “three unites” controller (P.I.D.), 
    positioning the motorized butterfly valves 
    on the combustion air and flue gas line.
    Obviously it might be supplied according 
    to the Customer’s requests or to the processes.

    The reversal system controls 
    the combustion functioning period of the burners. 
    This system is operating continuously,
     when the control panel is inserted.

    The basic parameter to be measured, to determine 
    the reversal point, is the flue gas temperature 
    at the regenerative exit.

    The flue gas temperature allows to balance 
    the efficacy in the two directions, as it represents 
    the best quantity released to the regenerator.

    Maximum time limits are foreseen, 
    to assure and maintain the pre-heating and 
    to avoid a too high temperature of the flue gas, 
    during the functioning.

    As above specified, the control system utilizes 
    a combination of relays and electronic logic.

    The relays are utilized to control the faults and 
    to check the position of the valves.

    Possibility to operate up to temperature of 1.200°C.

    The burner and the regenerator 
    are manufactured with ceramic material and 
    refractory lining in the hot part, to resist 
    to a temperature of 1.200°C of the flue gas 
    and to a temperature of about 1.100°C of 
    the preheated air.

    High efficiency

    The regenerative burner (R.C.B) 
    has a higher efficiency, 
    compared with the traditional one.
    In fact regenerators and recuperators
     that supply preheated air only to the processes 
    from which the smoke is drawn, are limited 
    for what is regarding to the quantity of heat 
    to be extracted from the flue gas.

    The combustion air cannot be heated 
    to a temperature higher than the temperature of the processus. 
    Furthermore, the flue gas mass will be higher 
    than the combustion air, 
    with a specific heat higher than the combustion air.
    The calorific balance shows that the max. quantity of recoverable heat, at 1.024°C, is around 83%.
    The regenerative burner R.C.B. is in condition to recuperate from 85% to 90% of this value.

    High energy saving.

    By the high energy saving level, utilizing the R.C.B. burner, it is possible to save, at a processes temperature of 1.200°C, around 40%, compared with a cold air system, and 20% compared with a traditional heat recuperating system.

    Possibility to operate with polluted exhaust.

    The materials utilised for the manufacturing of the R.C.B. have been chosen for their properties to resist to the heat and to the chemical agents.

    The exhaust, typical of the industrial processes, contains sulphur, alkali and metallic oxides, that can contribute to a very fast wearing of the materials constituting the recuperator, because of hot corrosion and of deposits, causing a reduction of the results, due to incrustations and occlusions.

    The R.C.B. burner has demonstrated to be in condition to operate, installed at direct

    Combustion, in a melting furnace for sodium-calcium glass, where all the volatile substances of the melting processes cross the recuperator filling.

    The experience has demonstrated that the filling can be removed, cleaned and easily and fastly replaced, without switching off the flame.

    The burners maintenance requires only the cleaning of the ceramic balls every 15÷30 days depending on the furnace production.
    This operation could be done with the furnace in temperature and requires a stop of about 2 hours. The balls must be simply washed plunging them in a small temperer with normal water.

    1. Ceramic regenerative burner
    2. Reversal valve
    3. Combustion air /flue gas limitation valve
    4. Combustion air /flue gauged hole disk
    5. Combustion air / flue control valve
    6. Fan protection valve
    7. Combustion air gauged hole disk
    8. Combustion air pressure switch
    9. Degassing pressure switch
    10. Low flame pressure switch
    11. Exhaust fan functional control pressure switch
    12. Gas high pressure - pressure switch
    13. Gas low pressure - pressure switch
    14. Flue gas fan
    15. Combustion air fan
    16. Impulses regulator
    17. Impulses multiplier
    18. Pilot burner air valve
    19. Cooling air valve
    20. Pilot burner mixer
    21. Pilot gas interception valve
    22. Main gas interception valve
    23. Main gas limiting valve
    24. Safety block electro valve
    25. Pilot gas block electro valve
    26. Air/gas ratio regulator
    27. Pilot gas regulator
    28. Main gas regulator reducer
    29. Gas intercepting valve
    30. Furnace pressure control valve


    The only maintenance required by ceramic bed of the recuperator is the spleres cleaning.

    Maintenance intervals are strictly connected to the specific furnace use; they can be determined monitoring combustion performance.
    The main factor to indicate that a cleaning procedure must take place is the drop of pressure measured through the regenerating bed. The pressure difference (Δp) is the value calculated from the measure carried out on pressure test points 1 and 2, respectively downstream and stream the regenerator. 

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